Thirty years since “The minimal animal interior” exhibition at Dilmos Gallery in Milan. Thirty-three since TRANSMoBEL at Porta Genova in Milan.
A retrospective on the occasion of Zurich Designweek 2024. External Link to the event: Zürich Design Weeks Robert / Paper
The history of paper furniture made and designed by the designer Robert A. Wettstein.
Archive images and press documentation. A selection from 1991 onwards is constantly updated.
MD Magazin: Editorial contribution to the exhibition Transmöbel 1991 by Artspace Castel Burio, Asti. The begining of Fuori Salone Milano. (Archiv Gerold Sauter)

TRANSMoBEL 1992. Private archive images. Set-up for the second exhibition in the railway carriage Porta Genova, Milan.

Invitation card with a photo by Michael Sieber (not Siebes) Robert Wettstein and the Minimal animal furniture.

WIND, Japan. Editorial contribution. Summer 1993, Text: Maaatsu Fukazawa, Foto Yochi Horimoto.

Editorial contribution: The International Design Yearbook 1994 / 95, Ron Arad, Jennifer Hudson. London: L. King, Print.

Editorial contribution: The International Design Yearbook 2002. Ross Lovegrove. London: Laurence King, 2002. Print.

Editorial contribution: 1000 Chairs TASCHEN 1997 by Charlotte & Peter Fiell

Editorial contribution Paris Apartments, DeNeues, 2002. Franziska Kessler’s flat in Paris with paper furniture.

The Atelier exhibition shows a selection of early furniture by Robert Wettstein. These are individual pieces or from small series. The furniture are made of wrapping paper and wood.
All designed and produced for everyday use.
The vintage sofa and chaise longue have recently returned home.
The pieces are now ready for testing and viewing.

Another older article about this furniture. Paperfurniture & Urs Frei / Robert Wettstein

Article about this furniture Pilot NFT